structural glass

  • innovative glass solutions
  • load-carrying glass
  • mech/adh connections
  • design & engineering
  • realisation



maximising transparency - or creating what you actually really envisage - is vitroplena's main mission. In many cases, this is only possible by applying glass as a structural or load-bearing material. Designing and engineering the latter is one of the main and unique strengths of our engineers. It is simply our passion.

the possibilities of structural glass are very broad, ranging from works of art to preserving historical heritage, or simply maximising transparency and aesthetics. One thing is certain: you will get an exclusive and magnificent view!

examples of possible structural glass applications are:

  • cold-bent glass
  • glass (swimming pool) walls
  • glass stairways
  • load-bearing (continuous) glass beam and column systems
  • glass floors, roofs & facades
  • 3D glass frames and structures
  • glass bridges and skyboxes
  • elevators
  • ...

an additional important aspect we offer is the design of fixings and connections:

  • mechanical linear and point fixings
  • adhesive linear and points fixings
  • adhesive surface, linear and point connections (glass-glass and glass-metal)

we can design, engineer and/or realise your project, accompanies by calculation notes when required.

in many cases, realising your project with glass is - indeed - possible


a transparent & post-fracture safe glass beam system


structural glass beam system


vitroplena has developed an innovative, currently patented, glass beam system that allows the construction of large-scale glass supporting systems for floors, roofs, façades etc. The system was developed focusing on structural safety and robustness, while maximising transparency and visual continuity. The beam system is typically composed of prefab beam modules which are connected on site through an innovative connection methodology. 


optimal design through numerical modelling


vitroplena supports the design of glazed structures by means of advanced numerical analysis in which the material behaviour is realistically approached. Innovative is the modelling of glass fracture, which can be used to evaluate the post-fracture behaviour - and hence the (structural) safety - of elements (partly) composed of glass. The movie at the left presents the fracture and deformation behaviour of a glass beam with two spans, loaded in vertical direction. 

got glassified